Jamestown Harmony Express
Board Members at Large:
Chartered, September 5, 1986
Celebrating 38+ Years
2024 Music Leadership
Music Director: David Lewis
Dave King Dan McLaughlin Thomas Galbraith Assistant Director Coach & Assistant Director Assistant Director
2024 Board of Directors
President: George Jarrell
I. Past President: Jim Eldridge
Secretary: Thomas Galbraith
Treasurer: Art Osterdahl
Membership VP: Jerry Newburg
Program VP & Uniform Ch.: David King
Music VP: Dan Scapelitte
Public Relations VP:
Milosh Mamula Jim Barickman Ray Shield
Past Board Members of Honor
Tom Galbato Harry Forbes
Member at Large Member at Large
Officer Installation December 16, 2023 - First Presbyterian Church, Jamestown NY by Bob Praetzel, for
Seneca Land District BHS Inc.
A glance back.... but looking forward
The Jamestown NY Chapter was a dream that became a reality. Barbershoppers George Jarrell from Chautauqua NY, Dan Seaman from Lakewood NY and Skip Berenguer from Jamestown NY, all members of the Warren PA Chapter, felt a real interest for barbershopping from men in the Jamestown NY and surrounding area. The three men formed a steering committee with George Jarrell as President, Dan Seaman as Music Director and Skip Berenguer as Secretary/Treasurer. They were supported by another loyal barbershopper, Frank Snyder from Mayville NY.
After several months of one on one recruiting and a barbershop show held in the Palace Civic Center, the new group licensed on March 21, 1986 with thirty four barbershoppers. During that summer, the new group continued to recruit and on September 5, 1986 a charter was presented to 71 proud barbershoppers.
Since then they have had memberships over one hundred with a current total of twenty five. Some of these members sing in quartets while maintaining their position in the performing chorus, the Jamestown Harmony Express. A special element of the chapter is the JHE Auxiliary. Our special ladies continue to do much to help and inspire the chorus and the chapter.
The chapter chorus and quartets continue to promote the unique 4-part barbershop harmony in Jamestown NY and the community by performing for nursing homes, hospitals, churches, festivals, fairs, parades and other private events. The chorus has competed many times on the Seneca Land District Stage and continues to strive for more perfect Barbershop Harmony.
The Jamestown Harmony Express Chorus has performed in many venues outside the local area including The Welk Resort in Branson MO., Buckeye Invitational - Columbus Ohio, New Years Day Parade - London England, Chautauqua Amphitheater, Chautauqua NY and most recently in June 2013 to Washington DC and Gettysburg PA as part of the 150th Commemoration of the American Civil War and received an invitation to perform in the December 4-10, 2021 Performance Tour for the 80th Anniversary PEARL HARBOR Commemoration Concert Series in Honolulu Hawaii. Due to the Covid19 Pandemic, unfortunately our participation in the tour was declined. The Chorus is always looking for future tours that fit our schedule and advance our musical journey.
The chapter has been very fortunate to have had great musical leadership starting with Dan Seaman; Jeff Mahan; Skip Berenguer; David Lewis; Brett Heintzman; David King; Dan McLaughlin, Jamie
Bell and the return of our current music director, David Lewis . The talent of these men, with other leaders and members, have made the Jamestown Harmony Express what it is today.
Our past has been wonderful, but the future holds new and even more exciting opportunities for those wishing to join our musical journey! .......Start your journey now and help us continue the music by clicking> info@HarmonyExpress.com
To be continued:
© 2000-2024 Jamestown Harmony Express. All Rights Reserved.